Saturday, March 16, 2013


This is my original fistula. The actual fistula place itself is on the inner side of my elbow area. This goes all the way up into my shoulder. That's just from having great blood flow through the fistula. My arm looks pretty messed up to say the least. Hulk smash!

This is where the new fistula was created. Hopefully it doesn't do the same as the first one.

I haven't put up any pictures dealing with any of this in a very long time. Here you go. Wahoo.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Long awaited update

I know I said I'd try to update this more and I completely failed at doing that. Oops. I'm going to try to make up for that with a major update right now.

The past two weeks or so have been incredibly stressful.  I've had 4 or 5 doctor appointments and a surgery.  Back in December, I was told that I needed two tests done before I could be put back on active status for a transplant.  I had both of these tests in the past two weeks.

The first one came out fine without any issues whatsoever.  The second one was the one I was very worried about.  After a dreadful couple of hours, I found out there were a few minor issues, but nothing to worry about at the moment. Everything overall seemed okay.  The doctor said that he sent a message to the transplant center giving his okay.  That's those two issues/worries out of the way.

This Tuesday I had a new fistula put in my arm because the one I've had is actually too strong.  The flow rate of the blood through the original fistula is something like 8 times what it should be.  The doctor said the new fistula has to mature for 6 weeks or so before I can start using it for dialysis. If everything is fine with it through dialysis, then he will take out the original fistula. Woohoo.

But wait, there's more!

I was called by the coordinator of the transplant program on Thursday.  He said that everything was clear for me to be put back on active status on the transplant list.  He said that a living donor, especially one closely related, would be much better than any from the list, so we should go ahead with our plan but that he would keep me on the list just in case something came up between now and summer. 

This means that basically everything is good to go to have the transplant surgery this summer, just need to schedule it.  Oh my.