Thursday, January 12, 2012

New year

Sheesh, it's been way too long since I've updated this. Let's see...

I made it through the first semester of school since my medical issues. I enjoyed it, even though I only had one class that was for my major. I ended up with all A's, so I can't complain there. Rushing from dialysis to school was a bit rough on some days but my schedule for next semester is easier with that. I was able to make all the classes I'm taking this upcoming semester be ones that I actually need. That's helpful. A month off of school for the holidays was a nice break.

I've been feeling ok. My dry weight at dialysis (the guesstimate of what you weigh with no extra fluid buildup) has been fluctuating recently, having me leave dialysis a bit low, which causes dehydration headaches. Not fun. It's a roller coaster trying to keep that in the right place because you never know if you have extra fluid or if you just ate more the previous day, etc. It's so fickle. Oh well. Besides that, I've been feeling fine. I could do with a bit more energy but I guess that'll come once I get settled again.

It's 2012 now, that's pretty crazy. Hopefully it'll be better than the past few years. Please?