This picture gives you the general idea of how the clinic is laid out. There's another 2 rows of chairs like this behind the one on the left as well.

This is taken from my chair today. Kim, a tech, is checking on another patient's machine.

A standard dialysis chair and dialysis machine, the clamp looking thing on the right of the machine is what holds the dialyzer.

This is what is on the right side of the chair when they're ready to set me up. Those are the needles that are used with the tubes that hook up to the longer tubes going to the machine. When the nurse showed me those needles in the hospital, I couldn't believe how big they were, sheesh.

This is the best shot I could do while sitting in the chair and only being able to use one hand for the camera. It gives a basic idea of the setup. The blue scissor looking thing is a clamp used on my shirt to hold the tubes up out of my way so I can read or watch a movie/tv, or use my netbook. You can also see the blood pressure cuff on my left arm.

A close up of my arm during treatment. The tape is there to keep the needles in place. After the needles are placed at the beginning of treatment, I don't feel anything from the process at all besides the blood pressure cuff doing its job every so often.
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